Labour win

Well it was a foregone conclusion. Here were the predictions.
Not exact as LD did much better with 71 and Reform only got 5.
Biddy and John here
 I went to bed about 1.30.
Today Friday with a new govt. We shall see if they can do what they say
Here is a page from their manifesto.

Already the new Chancellor Rachel Reeves has said there isn't any money.  No one knows where the teachers are supposed to come from nor the 13000 more police. It all seems like pie in the sky.
The stock market rose.
I took B and J to Fairford Church, Fresh Air, the Kitchen for lunch where the prices shocked them as Rand is now 23 to the Pound. We then went into Fairford where there was a flower festival in the church,
 visited Brewery arts and finished the day with watching Argo which they had not seen before.

And then today, 6th,  another rainy day with the Swing Band on this evening and a picnic! was Biddys birthday. Cancelled picnic.
Helen sent this of Oti and s barn owl.
Rain on and off all day.


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