
Showing posts from July, 2024

Mill pictures

A few pictires from across the road. From my front gate. will be a big flower bed inside this wall. The other side. work in progress inside. The millstream that goes under the mill

July - silversmithing, cricket and a hedgehog and hottest day. Fairford Air Tattoo

At Marlborough Summer School I have been doing a silversmithing course.  Here are what I made and also part of the workbench. Taught by Lucinda Nims. in. I borrowed Oti's French knitting for one pendant.  Then on Sunday it was a fun cricket day in aid of the school. Beautiful day in between days of cloud and rain. Heath is catching up on Rob in height. Feelie ran like the wind in the outfield while Oti is near in the dark green. Heath suddenly spotted a hedgehog sneaking into the long grass. There are also many moles which we only see from their hills which appear more and more every day. A sunny morning And Fairford Tattoo starting. Heidi having her after school snack. A lot of fuss is made of the hottest day considering we have had the wettest year so far. Today a worldwide outage on Windows caused disruption to planes. NHS and banks all using Windows. Fairford Air Tattoo and t

Labour win

Well it was a foregone conclusion. Here were the predictions. Not exact as LD did much better with 71 and Reform only got 5. Biddy and John here  I went to bed about 1.30. Today Friday with a new govt. We shall see if they can do what they say Here is a page from their manifesto. Already the new Chancellor Rachel Reeves has said there isn't any money.  No one knows where the teachers are supposed to come from nor the 13000 more police. It all seems like pie in the sky. The stock market rose. I took B and J to Fairford Church, Fresh Air, the Kitchen for lunch where the prices shocked them as Rand is now 23 to the Pound. We then went into Fairford where there was a flower festival in the church,  visited Brewery arts and finished the day with watching Argo which they had not seen before. And then today, 6th,  another rainy day with the Swing Band on this evening and a picnic! was Biddys birthday. Cancelled picnic. Helen sent this of Oti and s barn owl.