
We might expect some warmer weather now .
Bees swarming and banded demoiselles flying over the stream

One we caught and Ophelia was studying
 Let go of course.
Near where I go for my  exercises there is a twitchers gate which I have shown before. These damsel flies are in abundance.
They fly horizontally which is very odd .
My next visit even bluer, I think now a fully mature male.
This morning outside my window a great white egret. A little egret and twelve young mallard.
Fishing with a butterfly net.
It's now the 10thand still wearing a cardigan.
Peonies are lovely I should plant more only they only flower for such a short time.
This lovely field of daisies.
Fresh air is on again.
Here are some examples.
This one by Mark Houghton is called Gates of Kviv.
June has become very busy and on 18 was the fairford bridge club party that I hosted again.
Here are some pictures. I did rainbow salads.
Heath made the beetroot purple one. 
Yellow with turmeric cauliflower and satay sauce etc 
Orange with carrots, butternut and mandarins 
Oti took the photos.
Red was the most boring with tomatoes and red pepper and pomegranate

Green was lots of different beans, cabbage and lettuce
then there was rice with seeds etc and potato and salmon .
54 people in all and a lovely evening.
Spent an afternoon painting for a change

Sending all the old cut glass to auction and buying cheap recycled glassware. 
More honey extracted today.
My studio is now more of a communal shed. Not its purpose. There are 13 chairs waiting to be picked up. Umpteen pots with chillies that Heath is growing as well as the honey making equipment.
The beginning of a short heatwave so blinds down to keep house cool.
Have to wear vest type top. Not an attractive sight.
Aiming to have an open studio day for the Big Build. Should make some money and clear out too. Took all the glassware to the auction today where there were lots of other boxes of similar. So save's the descendants ever having to do it.


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