June — starting off chilly and by the 9th heatwave.

 And it's chilly though there are some good displays of flowers.

Rob's bees have really come good so he got his spinner as an early birthday present. We watched the video and set it up and away the boys and Rob went.
A new use for the studio.

All this from just one hive. At the end of extraction rob reckons on 50lbs at least. In fact we ran out of jars.
17th June - Heath, Otis and I painted in the garden.

They have very distinctive styles which I treasure. Many flowers have suffered a bit from both the dry and then the odd thunderstorm. The gazebo is left over from the Fairford bridge party 4 days ago.
Been IDing some of the wild flowers.
water coltsfoot, wild radish and figwort which has burnet caterpillars on it.
and then this damselfly which I think is the Beautiful demoiselle.


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