
Showing posts from June, 2024

Predictions and poppies

Oti has been chosen to play cricket for the district  I predict that one day he will play for Gloucestershire or will at least have the option to as he may well not want to be a professional and perhaps you have to be. That the EUROs final will be between Spain and Germany. Went to Sheila for lunch then to Cuddesdon where there were open gardens. These are the main buildings for the theological college. No idea how this guy is relevant but a door knocker on a door there. The local church where we broke a very rickity bench and tea and scones were served. England playing Slovakia and at 97 minutes were able to equalise 1/1.  Now have 30 minutes extra time then maybe a penalty shootout which is the only bit I like. Kane, the Captain scored so everyone happy except the Slovaks. Then Germany beat Denmark. Grasses swaying in the wind . One packet of wild flowers gave us this. There are now conspiracies that the weather has been manipulated. Wi


We might expect some warmer weather now . Bees swarming and banded demoiselles flying over the stream   One we caught and Ophelia was studying  Let go of course. Near where I go for my  exercises there is a twitchers gate which I have shown before. These damsel flies are in abundance. They fly horizontally which is very odd . My next visit even bluer, I think now a fully mature male.