22 - 25th January

Duolingo French going strong
 On day 59.
Some frosty days but also vicious storms which haven't affected us here much.
Whereas Judy sent me flying foxes in the late evening in the heat.
Ears done and need hearing aid
 Eyes ok. Feet done. Now teeth and massage.
We have had two huge storms but its only just wind here blowing things around like the trampoline which is upside down across the garden.
Kids do swimming. Football, knitting for Feelie. Gym for Heidi who is joining the squad, cricket tennis. Hockey and brownies. There is also a gardening club Heidi goes to. The boys tell me they swam 64 lengths and Helen told Radio 2 not sure why.
25th is Heidi's 7th birthday which was celebrated in the studio unbeknown to her and which Helen decorated in style. The food was the colours of the rainbow.

Wrong child in the pic - Ophelia.

And this lovely swan just outside what a privilege to live here.
At 4.04am this morning I go  up to hear Leonard Cohen singing downstairs. Helen tell me that Sonos sometimes does this - switches on of its own accord - white spooky. There was a car broken into up the road so perhaps time to lock up a bit more though as the window was smashed what would be the point. Will check my insurance.


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