
Showing posts from August, 2024

Painting in Devon.

T his is the course and here are some first day works  Playing with charcoal dust. then a little oil. I am loving it. Best work for ages. A few minutes with charcoal dust and you get a pic. Then today Wednesday we had a talk about Pollock and did our best to throw some paint around in an interesting way. then with some left over oils I did this Them drove down to Seaton but the steep pebbly beach put me off going down to the sea. It's difficult to walk up the pebbles. Palette today Thursday.we are once again out of comfort zone and seeking transparency. or this way up.  

Waste land to garden

The land between the driveway and millstream has been a bit of an eyesore so I have undertaken to make a garden. This is the land. it has been strimmed and had dose of roundup. Approved kind. Then to be cultivated and covered with an organically produced membrane. I'll upload plant list. I have found two nurseries near Swindon so have quite a few plants now. Make sketches too. This is what coming home is


We have had thunder, rain and a heat spike. Saw a speckled wood today.  Went to Cotswold Wildlife Park with Lil and Alex Hadn't been for years. The gardens are wonderful. These Piet Oudolf ones in particular. There are 6 rhinos  Two babies. more gardens and a red admiral. An enclosure with free lemurs. a lot of flamingoes doubled up in their reflection. this is the view at my personal training gym. Helen Rob and kids at the start of their cycle trip  It's all on Instagram which has suddenly disappeared. . .

August all. about the Olympics

By today we are 6th with 6 golds. I have had little luck watching the surfing in Tahiti which of course is part of France. I went to the place where it is held but it was pourng with rain and I saw no surfers. It has been very warm so been rather lazy as and apart from rearranging the studio after it's repaint and the floor sanded and oiled have done little. Heath and Feelie keen to play bridge so that has been going on too. The butterfly count yielded few though Feelie caught a Beautiful Demoselle picture to come. The view from the studio. Sometimes there is a young swan and ducks on the island. Our wild flowers This scene is on the Cirencester road.  And some little flowers painted at Janet. I missed the meteor shower last night 12th I think but woke early to this incredible sunrise. Not sure if the red is caused by the heat or Sahara dust that has come over with the hot air. Forbes all away , having a heat spike so stay